All our work funded by the Pupil Premium is aimed at accelerating progress so that the vast majority of children leave Dedham C of E Primary at, or above, the national average. We also aim for every child to make progress that is good or better from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.
Click here to download our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2021-22)
Click here to download our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2022-23)
Click here to download our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2023-2024)
Click here to download our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement (2024-2025)
Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil Premium is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England and is paid directly to the school.
At Dedham C of E Primary, funding is formally allocated and reviewed annually and a published statement made available on our website. We have adopted the recommended 3-year approach to planning and implementation.
Please access our current Pupil Premium Strategy, which outlines our planned spending for the current academic year, through the link on this page. Funding is allocated within the financial year, April to April, and therefore academic year funding is approximate. The Pupil Premium Champion works closely with staff to monitor the progress of children in receipt of the funding and analyse the impact of the initiatives we have put in place.
The school receives funding based on pupil eligibility:
We recognise that pupils’ academic achievement is strongly linked with the emotional support they receive, exposure to rich and varied experiences, additional academic intervention and access to Quality First teaching. We also acknowledge that the most academically able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds can be at risk of under-performing, and therefore, our focus is on ensuring all pupils are targeted to raise attainment and accelerate progress, based on their starting points.
Further information on the Pupil Premium can be found on the government website which can be accessed here:
If you are currently experiencing financial hardship, please make contact with the school to see how we may be able to support you. Applications for Free School Meals can also be made through this link:
Your child may be eligible for free school meals if you are receiving any of the following:
Service Pupil Premium (SPP)
This is additional funding for schools, but it is not based on disadvantage. It has been combined into Pupil Premium payments to make it easier for schools to manage their spending.
This funding is primarily to help with pastoral support. It can also be used to help improve the academic progress of eligible pupils if the school deems this to be a priority.
The funding is allocated if pupils meet one or more of the following criteria: